Hardinge® T 系列 SP® 车削中心是是业界公认的超精密加工和硬车削应用方面的领军产品。T 系列机床能够生产机床行业中最具挑战性的零件,非常适合高水平精度、精密零件处理,只需单次设置即可完成双轴高精度加工或复杂的多任务操作。
Hardinge (Elmira, New York) has announced that its board of directors has elected Richard L. Simons, president and CEO, as chairman of the board effective February 14.
Mr. Simons will succeed Kyle H. Seymour, who will resign as chairman and as a director in order to devote his full time to other commitments. Mr. Seymour has served as a director since 2004 and as chairman of the board since 2008.
Source: Modern Machine Shop