Hardinge® T 系列 SP® 车削中心是是业界公认的超精密加工和硬车削应用方面的领军产品。T 系列机床能够生产机床行业中最具挑战性的零件,非常适合高水平精度、精密零件处理,只需单次设置即可完成双轴高精度加工或复杂的多任务操作。
Eastec 2017: Hardinge Grinding Group, a subsidiary of Hardinge Inc., will showcase its USACH 100‐T4 machine for ID/OD precision cylindrical grinding in a variety of industries.
Hardinge Grinding Group, a subsidiary of Hardinge Inc., will showcase its USACH 100‐T4 machine for ID/OD precision cylindrical grinding in a variety of industries. The machine is said to combine ID, OD, face, taper, radius and contour grinding in one chucking. Thanks to the generous 500-mm (19.68″) cross-axis travel (X axis), the machine processes parts as large as 450 mm (17.7″) in diameter and as heavy as 272 kg (500 lbs).
Other features and options include as many as four motorized grinding spindles; a high-precision measuring probe; a torque motor B axis; a high-precision hydrostatic workhead (B1 axis); a Siemens or FANUC control; an option for simultaneous face and ID grinding; and an option for full or partial automated part loading/unloading.
Source: Modern Machine Shop