Hardinge® T 系列 SP® 車削中心是超精密和硬車削應用領域公認的市場領導者。T 系列車床設計用於生產工具機行業中最具挑戰性的零件,非常適合需要高精確度和精密工件處理的雙軸高精度加工或複雜的多任務操作,以及在單一設定中的精密部件加工和製作。
If you plan to attend PMTS 2019, be sure to take advantage of the scheduled showfloor demonstrations that are designed for attendees to take advantage of learning more about a certain technology. On Thursday, April 4, from 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., stop by Hardinge’s showfloor demo in booth 3013—”Workholding for Today’s Demands”—given by Richard Schonher, product manager at Hardinge.
Mr. Schonher will talk about today’s market requirements as they relate to workholding solutions. He says there is a high demand on setup reductions/delivery times, workholding commonality and flexibility, and tighter accuracy requirements. Often, shops try to get by with their current workholding setups, especially if they do not know what is available to them. He will tell attendees how, by selecting the correct workholding solution, you can save time, reduce cost and increase profitability.
For more information about other learning opportunities at the show, check out the Education link at PMTS.com. Attend PMTS 2019, April 2-4, at the Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio. For more information and to register, go to PMTS.com.
Source: Production Machining